Search Station
Search Station
The Search Station is an all-in-one self-service library search and navigation kiosk. Its large touch screen and simple user interface allow for easy touch interactivity.
Using the Search Station, user may scan I.D. or PIN input for user authentication and may choose to print search results and guided location map to assist with the on-the-ground navigation. The Search Station also features built in camera, speakers, and if necessary, can also accept notes and coins for paying overdue payments.
Product Highlights
Search Technology
Powerful search and navigational systems.
Search through an online catalog of books and assets. The displayed search catalog is integrated with the library management system, you are assured that asset information and status are well updated.
To be able to precisely know what is where can be painful. Having a visualized floorplan of the facility can help find what you are looking for, and with its interactivity, finding things just get easier.
Knowing where things are is a start. Memorizing how to get there, is another problem. Wayfinding will help you navigate your ways through the facility to your desired destination without delay.
Search, navigate, payment, and more! The Search Station is a multi-purpose kiosk to facilitate and support your services.
Seamless Integration
A meaningful system integration.
Integration with the library management system has never been easier with the SIP2 protocol and the newer method of application programming interface (API)
In the age of innovation, as more products and services are introduced with API, we are enabled a more comprehensive level of meaningful integration.
Product in Solutions
The ideal solutions for the search station.
Self-service Library
Improving user service experience while reducing unnecessary staff workloads.
Co-learning Library
Transformation that cater changing trends, expectations, and lifestyles.
Unmanned Library
Pinnacle of user experience in self-serviceability and library management.